
91 lines
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#ifndef __ASM__
#include <comrogue/compiler_macros.h>
#include <comrogue/types.h>
* GUID definition macros which define either a GUID or an external reference to one,
* controlled by symbol INITGUID
#ifndef GUIDATTR
#include <comrogue/internals/seg.h>
#define GUIDATTR
#endif /* __COMROGUE_INTERNALS__ */
#endif /* GUIDATTR */
#define DEFINE_UUID_TYPE(typ, name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
EXTERN_C const typ GUIDATTR name = { l, w1, w2, { b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 } }
#define DEFINE_UUID_TYPE(typ, name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
EXTERN_C extern const typ GUIDATTR name
#endif /* INITGUID */
#define DEFINE_GUID(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
DEFINE_UUID_TYPE(GUID, name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8)
#define DEFINE_IID(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
DEFINE_UUID_TYPE(IID, name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8)
#define DEFINE_CLSID(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
DEFINE_UUID_TYPE(CLSID, name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8)
* Macros used in the auto-generated object declarations, controlled by symbol CINTERFACE
#if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
#define interface struct
#define STDMETHOD_(name, typ) typ (*name)
#define STDMETHOD(name) HRESULT (*name)
#define THIS_(typ) typ *pThis,
#define THIS(typ) typ *pThis
#define PURE
#define INHERIT_METHODS(sym) sym
#define BEGIN_INTERFACE(typ) \
struct typ ## VTable {
#define BEGIN_INTERFACE_(typ, parent) \
struct typ ## VTable {
#define END_INTERFACE(typ) }; \
typedef interface typ { const struct typ ## VTable *pVTable; } typ;
#define STDMETHOD_(name, typ) typ name
#define STDMETHOD(name) HRESULT name
#define THIS_(typ)
#define THIS(typ)
#define PURE = 0
#define INHERIT_METHODS(sym)
#define BEGIN_INTERFACE(typ) \
interface typ {
#define BEGIN_INTERFACE_(typ, parent) \
interface typ : parent {
#define END_INTERFACE(typ) };
#endif /* CINTERFACE */
#endif /* __ASM__ */